Phoenix EntertainmentFrom the AshesPhoenix Entertainment

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Retro TV Shows
Romance Movies
Science Fiction Movies
Silent Movies
Thriller Movies
War Movies
Western Movies



Phoenix Entertainment operates several classic movie channels on the Roku streaming network.

Movies Now Streaming on The Movie Club ROKU


A is for Atom

now showing on
The Movie Club

A Naschy Double Feature

now showing on
The Movie Club

Abraham Lincoln - Studio One

now showing on
The Movie Club

Apollo 13: Houston, We've Got A Problem

now showing on
The Movie Club

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef

now showing on
The Movie Club

Big News

now showing on
The Movie Club

Bill and Coo

now showing on
The Movie Club

Black Dragons

now showing on
The Movie Club

Bombs Over Burma

now showing on
The Movie Club

BOOM DAYS 1920-1932

now showing on
The Movie Club

Born to Win

now showing on
The Movie Club

Botanial Garden Witch (foreign)

now showing on
The Movie Club

Boulder Dam

now showing on
The Movie Club

Boys of the City

now showing on
The Movie Club

Brink of Disaster

now showing on
The Movie Club

Bugsy Siegel

now showing on
The Movie Club

Cartoon predicts the future (Make Mine Freedom)

now showing on
The Movie Club

Chasing Trouble

now showing on
The Movie Club

Clancy Street Boys

now showing on
The Movie Club


now showing on
The Movie Club

Corman Creature Feature

now showing on
The Movie Club


now showing on
The Movie Club

Damaged Lives

now showing on
The Movie Club

Dangerous Passage

now showing on
The Movie Club

Del odio nace el amor (The Torch) Spanish Subtitles

now showing on
The Movie Club

Destination Earth

now showing on
The Movie Club

Divide and Conquer Part 4

now showing on
The Movie Club

Double Cross

now showing on
The Movie Club

Dreaming Out Loud

now showing on
The Movie Club

Eagle in a Cage

now showing on
The Movie Club

Enemy of Women

now showing on
The Movie Club

Everyday Courtesy

now showing on
The Movie Club

FDRs Trip to the Crimea and the Middle East

now showing on
The Movie Club

First Spaceship on Venus - Spanish Subtitles

now showing on
The Movie Club

Flying Wild

now showing on
The Movie Club

Freedom Highway

now showing on
The Movie Club

Get Outta Town

now showing on
The Movie Club

Great Expectations

now showing on
The Movie Club

Guerrilla Girl

now showing on
The Movie Club

Gulliver's Travels

now showing on
The Movie Club

Hay Foot

now showing on
The Movie Club

Hemp for Victory

now showing on
The Movie Club

High School Caesar

now showing on
The Movie Club

Hindenburg Disaster

now showing on
The Movie Club

Horror Express (Spanish Subtitles)

now showing on
The Movie Club

I'll Give My Life

now showing on
The Movie Club

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

now showing on
The Movie Club

It's Everybody's Business

now showing on
The Movie Club

Ivan The Terrible

now showing on
The Movie Club

Judge Priest

now showing on
The Movie Club

Kept Husbands

now showing on
The Movie Club

Kid Dynamite

now showing on
The Movie Club

Lady Behave!

now showing on
The Movie Club

Last Performance of Johnny Cash at The Carter Ranch

now showing on
The Movie Club

Let's Get Tough!

now showing on
The Movie Club

Lost in the Stratosphere

now showing on
The Movie Club

Lost Lonely and Vicious

now showing on
The Movie Club


now showing on
The Movie Club

Louisiana Story

now showing on
The Movie Club

Lying Lips

now showing on
The Movie Club

Make Mine Freedom

now showing on
The Movie Club

Man In The Attic (Spanish Subtitles)

now showing on
The Movie Club

Manhattan Love Song

now showing on
The Movie Club

Man-Made Miracles

now showing on
The Movie Club

Meet King Joe

now showing on
The Movie Club

Million Dollar Kid

now showing on
The Movie Club

Million Dollar Weekend

now showing on
The Movie Club

Murder on Flight 502

now showing on
The Movie Club

My Dear Secretary

now showing on
The Movie Club

My Favorite Brunette

now showing on
The Movie Club

My Man Godfrey

now showing on
The Movie Club

Night Of The Living Dead (Spanish Subtitles)

now showing on
The Movie Club

Night Tide

now showing on
The Movie Club

Operation Correction Part 2

now showing on
The Movie Club

Operation Correction Part I

now showing on
The Movie Club

Operation Ivy

now showing on
The Movie Club

Phantom of Chinatown

now showing on
The Movie Club

Prison Nurse

now showing on
The Movie Club

Private Snuffy Smith

now showing on
The Movie Club

Queen of the Amazons

now showing on
The Movie Club

Red Lights Ahead

now showing on
The Movie Club

Romance on the Run

now showing on
The Movie Club

Scared To Death (Spanish Subtitles)

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 1 - The Arms of the Gods

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 10 - The Bomb

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 12 - Invisible Gas

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 13 - The Brink of Disaster

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 15 - The Avenging Powers

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 2 - The Crushing Walls

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 3 Ferguson Alley

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 4 - Death on the Wire

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 6 - The Sword Thrower

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 7 - The Noose

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadow of Chinatown: Chapter 8 - Midnight

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shadows Over Shanghai

now showing on
The Movie Club

She Gods of Shark Reef

now showing on
The Movie Club

Shocker Internet Drive In - Week 14

now showing on
The Movie Club

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Interview

now showing on
The Movie Club

Skull and Crown

now showing on
The Movie Club

Storm in a Teacup

now showing on
The Movie Club

Street Scene

now showing on
The Movie Club

Swing Hostess

now showing on
The Movie Club

Symphony of a Great City

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Bashful Bachelor

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Bees Buzz

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari (Spanish Subtitles)

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Capture

now showing on
The Movie Club

The City of the Dead

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Contender

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Devil Diamond

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Devil's Party

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Driller Killer (Spanish Subtitles)

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Fighting Men

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Jackie Robinson Story

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Last Chance

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Limping Man

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Little Shop Of Horrors (Spanish Subtitles)

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Lost World

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Moth

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Outer Gate

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Rebel Set

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Rise of Catherine the Great

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Scarlet Letter

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Space Adventures of Flash Gordon 17 1955

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Story of Hoover Dam

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Terror

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Terror (Spanish Subtitles)

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Woman Condemned

now showing on
The Movie Club

The Wrong Road

now showing on
The Movie Club

This Charming Couple

now showing on
The Movie Club

Thunder in the City

now showing on
The Movie Club

Under The Red Robe

now showing on
The Movie Club

Unforgotten Crime

now showing on
The Movie Club

What About Prejudice?

now showing on
The Movie Club

Why Play Leap Frog?

now showing on
The Movie Club

William McKinley Inauguration

now showing on
The Movie Club

Youth On Parole

now showing on
The Movie Club




Roku Channel
The Movie Club

Roku Channel
Old Reel Movies

Roku Channel
Free Musical Movies

Roku Channel

Roku Channel
Classic Era Television
152560 Dec 6

Roku Channel
Free Silent Movies

Roku Channel
Christmas Classics
122300 Dec 6

Roku Channel
Sci-Fi Collection

Roku Channel
Tales o Tomorrow

Roku Channel
Golden Age of Hollywood

Roku Channel
Mystery Movie Theatre

Roku Channel
Movie Time Machine

Roku Channel
Movie Ticket

Roku Channel
Theatre for the Insane

Roku Channel
Classic Movie Library
152534 Dec 7 install prev not working

Roku Channel
Western Classic Movies

Roku Channel
Free Western Movies

Roku Channel
Nostalgic Movies

Roku Channel
Free Comedy Movies

Roku Channel
Our Time

Roku Channel

Roku Channel

Roku Channel
Eye for the Insane
150508 Dec 7

Roku Channel
Digital Drive-In
47117 Dec 7

Roku Channel
Robin Hood

Roku Channel
Dream Palace

Roku Channel
Grandpas Favorite Movies

Roku Channel
The Lucy Show

Roku Channel
122592 Nov 29

Roku Channel
Family Movie Night
116553 Dec 6

Roku Channel
Christian Movie Night
117411 Dec 6

Roku Channel
The Big Screen

Roku Channel

Roku Channel
Movie Train

Roku Channel
Retro Movie Club

Roku Channel
Coming Soon

Roku Channel
Free Horror Movies


Sign in to your ROKU account and SEARCH STREAMING CHANNELS






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